1. Album size. The most commonly used sizes of albums are A4 (210 * 285mm) and B5 (185 * 260mm). Of course, you can design albums of any size.
2. How many p's are there? P means how many pages, not how many sheets of paper. Many people don't know how to calculate P. for example, 10 sheets of paper are 20 P's and 8 sheets of paper are 16 P's.
3. What paper to use, there are many kinds of paper choices, coated paper, double offset paper, matte paper, pearlescent paper, etc. coated paper is the most commonly used in picture books.
4. How many grams of paper should be used for printing according to the conventional picture album. The cover is 250g paper and the inner page is 157G paper.

5. Do you want peritoneum? Peritoneum is divided into sub membrane and light membrane. Generally, it is sub membrane. Is it the cover peritoneum or all peritoneum? Generally, the cover peritoneum can be used.
6. Does the album cover need special process treatment, such as bronzing, embossing, UV, hollowing out, embossing and so on.
7. How to bind? There are many kinds of binding methods, such as riding nails, glue binding, coil binding, butterfly binding, etc. riding nails and glue binding are commonly used. Riding nails with fewer pages and glue binding or hardcover with more pages.
8. How many copies to print (because there are starting costs in all links of the printing production process, such as printing fee, film coating fee, binding fee, etc.), so the price of 500 copies, 1000 copies, 3000 copies or 5000 copies is different. For example, the unit price of 3000 copies is much cheaper than that of 500 copies.
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