The white crack of printing plate often occurs in album printing. This phenomenon will not only affect the quality of products, but also cause unnecessary losses to printing manufacturers. What is the reason? Now, let's have a look.
1. Dot whitening.
It is caused by the poor mutual solubility of wax surfactants in the ink system, or it is transferred to the picture and text because the ink is not re dissolved in the printing process after skinning.

2. Dot white dot.
Caused by static electricity or solvent dilution of printing ink. It usually occurs when the temperature is high or the printing speed is fast. Secondly, when laminating, it is tight before loosening or loose before tightening. The cause of static electricity is common in high humidity weather.
3. Crack whitening.
The ink transfer performance is too poor, or the printing plate pattern is too shallow, which is easy to volatilize the solvent in the ink system too quickly. Generally, the rough impression leads to poor film formation, especially the whitening caused by the addition of water in the ink system or ink bucket diluent, which mostly occurs in the environment with too high humidity in the workshop in summer.
4. Whitening of the whole imprint.
When the continuous printing time is too long, when the operator finds that the ink viscosity becomes sticky or thicker, he repeatedly adds a single solvent, so as to break the volatile transfer balance of the mixed solvent in the original ink system, resulting in rough and white ink layer when the printing ink is formed.
In addition, the excessive addition of mixed solvents in the operation process will often reduce the content of synthetic resin in the ink and lead to white cracks in the printing plate.